Geneva Biotech is a privately held biotechnology company, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Founded in 2012

Geneva Biotech Kinase Factory™

Intelligent DNA delivery systems

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Kinase Factory™

Technology Description


In the pharma and biotech industries, protein kinases are mainly produced using baculovirus with only a small fraction amenable to production using E.coli. The reason for this is twofold: i) E.coli. production often does not result in high levels of soluble protein for this conformationally flexible class of proteins ii) the majority of protein kinases are inactive if produced in E.coli since they lack the post translational modification (phosphorylation) required for activity. Due to cost versus yield, mammalian protein expression systems are hardly ever used for commercial production of kinases.

We have developed baculoviral genomes with integrated copies of entire chaperone machineries comprising up to 7 co-expressed chaperone proteins built around a Hsp90 core. The components were selected from the literature to boost solubility and yield of a broad variety of human protein kinases.


Use MultiBac™ protocols (click here) to assemble Kinase Factory™ Viruses

Click here for DNA vector sequences

Click here to download Cre-ACEMBLER User Manual 3.0

Click here to download Cre-ACEMBLER Short Description

Click here to download Cre-ACEMBLER for Windows

Click here to download Cre-ACEMBLER for Linux


Kinase Factory™ Expression System Kit 1,490.00€ ENQUIRY

Chemically Competent Cells

ig™ 10B (12 X 100µl) 760.00€ ENQUIRY
PirHC (12 x 100µl) 960.00€ ENQUIRY


pACEBac1 (5µg) 279.00€ ENQUIRY
pACEBac2 (5µg) 279.00€ ENQUIRY
pIDK (5µg) 279.00€ ENQUIRY
pIDC (5µg) 279.00€ ENQUIRY
pIDS (5µg) 279.00€ ENQUIRY

Dual Plasmids

pFL (5µg) 319.00€ ENQUIRY
pKL (5µg) 319.00€ ENQUIRY
pSPL (5µg) 319.00€ ENQUIRY
pUCDM (5µg) 319.00€ ENQUIRY

Dual Mammalian Insect Cell Plasmids

pFL-IM (5µg) 419.00€ ENQUIRY
pKL-IM (5µg) 419.00€ ENQUIRY
pSPL-IM (5µg) 419.00€ ENQUIRY
pUCDM-IM (5µg) 419.00€ ENQUIRY


E.coli cell expression

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